The Greens/EFA Group
Myself and my Green Party colleague, Dublin MEP Ciarán Cuffe, are members of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament.
The Greens/European Free Alliance is a political grouping made up of Green, Pirate and Independent MEPs as well as MEPs from parties representing stateless nations and disadvantaged minorities.
In this form, the group was established in July 1999, when two progressive European political families agreed to join forces in the European Parliament.
The Greens/EFA project is about building a society that is respectful of fundamental human rights and environmental justice. It’s about enhancing human rights – the rights to
self-determination, the right to shelter, to good health, to education, culture, and a high quality of life.
We want to see freedom within the world of work increased, not only by tackling unemployment, but also by widening people’s choices and releasing human creative potential.
The Greens/ EFA project is about deepening democracy by decentralisation and the direct participation of people in decision-making that concerns them. It’s about enhancing openness of government in Council and Commission, and making the Commission fully answerable to Parliament.
We work to the ideal of building a European Union of free peoples based on the principle of subsidiarity who believe in solidarity with each other and all the peoples of the world. We work towards seeing the European Union move from the current over-emphasises on its economic conception at the expense of social, cultural and ecological values.
If you want to find out more information about the Greens/EFA group, click here.